I am Louis, a relationship coach and therapist.

In my profession, I’ve focused on theology, psychology, psychotherapy, Imago and Encounter-Centred Relationship Therapies and personality types. My passion is in teaching couples to reach real intimacy in their relationships.
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Our story

I speak from experience. In my marriage, I’ve known desperate times of disconnection. My wife Elizma and I discovered that our intentions to simply love each other weren’t enough. We learned that we needed intentionality. We needed to be taught new ways to transcend those feelings of 'stuckness'.

You see, you and your partner aren’t really mismatched. You’re stuck, and you don’t yet have the tools you need. I’ve yet to meet a couple that doesn’t want to figure out how to make it work. No matter how bad our disconnection, we all want to overcome it - we just don’t know how.

Until now.

The Art of Loving

Through my Couples Help at Home online relationship courses, I endeavour to provide some powerful practical tools to help you grow as two adults and understand – and then evolve - the role you each play in your marriage dynamic. To feel more connected. More vitally alive and fulfilled.

From my years of experience in this field, I’ve handpicked a series of exercises and rituals to empower you to see your relationship from a completely fresh perspective. My approach is unconventional but rooted in the latest scientific research and the wisdom of ancient global philosophies.
Each user-friendly course includes a series of videos and interactive exercises to equip you to change the course of your relationship journey.

The first in the series, is The Art of Loving, carefully put together to guide you and your partner through 12 practical learning modules, including videos and some hands-on exercises. 

Whether you feel stuck, need urgent relationship guidance or simply want to re-invest time in your marriage, I believe The Art of Loving will help you to re-connect and feel seen, accepted and loved again.
I can’t wait for you to get started!
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